• Some holidays soon? You want to travel and see the city of Bordeaux? Follow me.

    Bordeaux in Europe :

     where is bordeaux

     There are 260 000 people who live in the town of Bordeaux and 700 000 in the "Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux " (Bordeaux+suburbs).

    Beautiful town with a lot of historical houses (18Th century).

    The famous red wine "Bordeaux" comes from a multitude of cities and villages around Bordeaux.

    All you can see in Bordeaux and near Bordeaux : Tourist Office of Bordeaux.

    Coming by planes : Airport of Bordeaux.

    All what you wanted to know about the well known red wine : Bordeaux wines.

    Take a look to what is this marvelous town (if you see "service unavailable", just refresh the page and all will be ok):







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